
Blue 和 gold banners hanging 从 the ceiling of the university center against a backdrop of windows


New 证书s provide additional credentials in the areas of science, technology, 教育、艺术和人文学科.

In response to a growing dem和 for more flexible post-secondary education pathways, 北科罗拉多大学最近增加了12个新的证书课程 它的本科和研究生学术组合. 这些项目,都是 由大学董事会在2月11日的会议上批准. 23 .会议,使 use of existing coursework 和 are either embedded in or stack directly toward existing 本科或研究生学位课程. 

“Each of the proposed 证书 programs align with our institutional values, support career readiness or career progression for our students or are designed to directly or indirectly attract new students,” said Kirsten Fleming, executive vice president 和教务长.  

Many of the new programs also directly support opportunities identified in Colorado’s 高等教育委员会五年策略计划 为不断发展的经济培养技能,包括在关键职业中建立可堆叠的质量证书 使课程与行业需求保持一致. 

 最新的课程设置来自博天堂官方五所学院中的四所 在科学、技术、教育、艺术和教育领域的额外证书 人文学科. 

  • 自然与健康科学学院颁发的新证书
    • 三门12学时的本科证书,各一门 植物学, 野生动物 动物学,对生物科学专业的在校生开放. 提示新的程序 by requirements frequently listed in job postings with organizations such as the Bureau 土地管理,美国.S. 美国国家公园管理局林务局.S. 鱼类和野生动物 服务和科罗拉多公园和野生动物. 而很多生物系的学生已经选择了 some of the coursework in each of the new 证书s, the added credential makes the qualifications immediately visible to employers 和 can help students choose a 一系列与他们特定的职业兴趣相一致的选修课. 
    • 两个12学时的本科证书,一个在 计算机编程 还有一个 数据分析,适用于任何学位课程的本科生. 证书 去年秋天推出的两个学士学位课程的捆绑课程, 计算机科学统计数据. 的 coursework for each 证书 can be folded into the university-wide electives area of any other undergraduate degree program, providing a significant additional 符合工作技能需求的职业资格证书. 根据 the Bureau of Labor 统计数据, employment of computer 和 information research scientists, of which programming is a significant component, is projected to grow 21% 从 2021 到2031年. 此外,根据2023年科技劳动力状况报告 从 前年在美国,数据科学家和数据分析师的就业预计在未来十年 增长266%. 
    • 15学分的毕业证书 体育教练 从 UNC’s Kinesiology, Nutrition 和 Dietetics department designed for middle 和 high school teacher-coaches 和 youth sport coaches who are interested in upgrading 他们的技能和潜在的更高的薪水. 根据弗莱明的说法,证书 holders would immediately qualify for a 15% pay increase in Weld County’s District 6. 
  • New 证书s 从 the College of Humanities 和 Social Sciences 和 the College 表演和视觉艺术 
    • 18学时的本科课程 职业西班牙语 世界语言和文化部门颁发的证书,适用于任何国家的学生 degree program who want to include Spanish proficiency on their list of earned credentials. 在2023年审查的招聘信息中,西班牙语能力被列为最重要的技能之一 最常见的“首选”技能,它一直是 排名 对于那些已经学过英语的人来说,这是迄今为止最具市场价值的语言 或者你的母语是英语. 该课程将侧重于帮助西班牙语学习者 就专业话题和任务进行有效的沟通.  
    • 12学时的本科 公平与包容 社会学系颁发的证书,适用于任何学位课程的学生 有兴趣开发多种框架和策略来理解, evaluating 和 cultivating diversity 和 equity in specific workplaces or public policy. 根据Indeed的报道.自2019年以来,这一数字大幅上升 对受过多元化、包容性和归属感教育的工人的需求.  
    • Two 18-credit-hour graduate 证书s, one 从 the College of Humanities 和 Social 科学 历史 另一位来自纽约表演与视觉艺术学院 艺术工作室. 这些证书对于想要获得资格的个人来说是理想的 needed to teach college-level courses, either as instructors at colleges 和 universities 或者作为高中的双重或并行博天堂官方教师. 凭据遗嘱 help individuals meet the increasing dem和 for dual/concurrent enrollment instruction. In Colorado alone, more than 50,000 high school students enroll in dual credit college 每年的课程. 此外,在大多数学区,增加的证书满足 the requirement of 15 or more hours of continuing education coursework necessary for 增加教师工资.  
  • 蒙福特商学院颁发的新证书
    • 两个15学时证书; 人力资源管理项目管理, are available for business professionals looking to exp和 their career pathways 并可能增加他们的工资. 证书也可以直接堆叠 pathways to the full MBA at UNC, which would only require an additional 21 credits 完成. 

的 board also heard an update 从 Tobias Guzmán, vice president of Diversity, Equity 在大学最近的 校园气候调查. 这项调查与UNC十年战略计划中的一项关键行动一致, 划船,不要漂流, to create plans, structures 和 programs that foster an inclusive environment where 所有人都感到受到欢迎和支持.  

Guzmán told the board that the university administered three surveys, one to collect aspects of the faculty experience, one to capture staff members’ perceptions of diversity 和 campus climate issues 和 one to capture student perceptions regarding the campus 气候与学生学习成果.  

的 findings, which were analyzed by the Higher 教育 研究 Institute, were presented along five different themes that emerged as relevant across the three groups of respondents: sense of belonging, relationships within 和 between groups, working 和 learning environment, safety 和 wellbeing, 和 culture of diversity, equity 和 包容. Guzmán的介绍还概述了已确定的具体机会 under each theme, as well as information about efforts already underway in support 主题的. 

 While the survey results have been shared with governance groups across campus, Guzmán said the next steps include sharing the information with the greater university community 在三月份的一次炉边聊天和内部仪表板的可用性中. 的 调查结果将在今年夏天晚些时候用于战略的第三阶段 计划和多年DEI路线图的发展.  

Also on the agenda, which received unanimous approval 从 the board, was a nomination 从 UNC President Andy Feinstein to confer an Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters upon 当地的慈善家和社区领袖. Arlo Richardson在大学的 2024年春季开学.  

就像博天堂官方专注于改善我们的地区和国家一样. 理查森曾 spent most of his life living in 和 advocating for the Greeley community,” said Feinstein. “奥尔罗 一个诚实而谦逊的领导者. 他总是在学习和成长,并证明了这一点 他的模范性格和能力使他在许多情况下都取得了成功 和行业. 他对提问的好奇心和兴趣是独一无二的 显而易见的原因是他创造了如此多的成功.  

“对我来说,很明显阿乐非常值得获得荣誉学位 UNC,”范斯坦继续说道. 授予他这一荣誉是对他众多贡献的认可 向北卡大学和格里利大学致敬. 我不仅把他当作朋友 是大学的,也是我的一个朋友.  5月授予他学位 这是我的荣幸.” 


  • 批准UNC的春季2024 设施综合规划, which is intended to provide guidance for future decisions related to UNC’s physical 空间与景观. 
  • 批准将博天堂官方骨科医学院的学费设为 居民和非居民学生每学年5.5万美元. 图, 这是 与同行机构比较 而低于全国平均水平每年56,947美元,是确定如下 一项针对骨科医学院校当前学费的全国性审查 review of current tuition rates at medical schools in the region 和 validation through consultation with Tripp Umbach, the national medical education consulting firm assisting 随着unccom商业计划的发展. 学费将保持不变 直到第一批学生毕业,学院获得全面认证. 
  • 批准降低博天堂官方的学费 RN到BSN程序 从每学分544美元降到每学分350美元. 这一变化将使博天堂官方的项目 与社区大学提供的类似课程相比更具竞争力. In 2002, Colorado legislators passed the Community College Nursing Bachelor Degree Eligibility bill which allowed community colleges in Colorado to confer a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing to students who have or are pursuing a practical nursing 证书.  

审查2月1日起的所有议程项目. 2024年4月23日,董事会会议 
